French GCSE ◊ 30 Jobs in French ┃ Talking about jobs in French

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30 top jobs in French

Jobs in French
Jobs in French

How to talk about jobs in french ☞ French GCSE Question

Get top marks at your French GCSE exam. Listen to Lara talking about jobs in French and answer this typical French GCSE question : Quel métier / Quelle profession aimerais-tu faire? What job/ profession would you like to do? Pay attention to jobs in french masculine and feminine. Then do the interactive exercise in French below and watch the video at the end of this article.

Quel métier / Quelle profession aimerais-tu faire?

Jobs in French

How to form the masculine and feminine of jobs in French

This is how to form the masculine and feminine of jobs in French

1. Regular form, simply add ‘e’ after the noun

For example, un avocat ☞ une avocate

2. Regular form ending with ‘en’, double the ‘n’

For example, un informaticien ☞ une informaticienne

3. Regular form ending in ‘eur’ change the ‘r’ to ‘se’

For example, un serveur ☞ une serveuse

4. Irregular form in ‘eur’ transform into ‘rice’

For example, un facteur ☞ une factrice

5. Regular form in ‘er’, transform into ‘ère’

For example, un infirmier ☞ une infirmière

6. Note that some jobs, typically held by men in the past, do not have a feminine form

For example, un soldat

30 jobs in french masculine and feminine

Here is a table of 30 professions in french from a to z :

1. Un agriculteur
2. Un avocat
3. Un boucher
4. Un boulanger
5. Un caissier
6. Un coiffeur
7. Un commercial
8. Un créateur de mode
9. Un dentiste`
10. Un directeur
11. Un électricien
12. Un employé de bureau
13. Un facteur
14. Un fonctionnaire
15. Un infirmier
16. Un informaticien
17. Un ingénieur
18. Un journaliste
19. Un maçon
20. Un mécanicien
21. Un médecin
22. Un pompier
23. Un professeur
24. Un réalisateur
25. Un secrétaire
26. Un serveur
27. Un soldat
28. Un steward
29. Un urgentiste
30. Un vendeur
1. Une agricultrice
2. Une avocate
3. Une bouchère
4. Une boulangère
5. Une caissière
6. Une coiffeuse
7. Une commerciale
8. Une créatrice de mode
9. Une dentiste`
10. Une directrice
11. Une électricienne
12. Une employée de bureau
13. Une factrice
14. Une fonctionnaire
15. Une infirmière
16. Une informaticienne
17. Une ingénieure
18. Une journaliste
19. Une maçonne
20. Une mécanicienne
21. Une médecin
22. Une pompier
23. Une professeur
24. Une réalisatrice
25. Une secrétaire
26. Une serveuse
27. Une soldat
28. Une hôtesse de l’air
29. Une urgentiste
30. Une vendeuse
A farmer
a lawyer
a butcher
a baker
a cashier
a hairdresser
a sales director
a fashion designer
a dentist
a director
an electrician
a desk clerk
a postman
a notary
a nurse
an IT specialist
an engineer
a journalist
a brick layer
a mechanics
a doctor
a firefighter
a teacher
a film director
a secretary
a waiter
a soldier
a steward
an A&E nurse
a salesperson
30 jobs in French

10 Profession sentences in french

Here you can learn how to justify in French which jobs you would like to do :

  • J’aimerais être un agriculteur/une agricultrice parce que j’aime la campagne ☞ I would like to be a farmer because I love the countryside
  • J’aimerais être un avocat/une avocate parce que la loi et la justice me passionne ☞ I would like to be a lawyer because I’m passionate about law and justice
  • J’aimerais être un ingénieur/une ingénieure car je suis fort/e en maths ☞ I would like to be an engineer because I’m good at maths
  • J’aimerais être un/une urgentiste car je suis courageux/courageuse ☞ I would like to work in A&E because I am brave
  • J’aimerais être un steward/une hôtesse de l’air car voyager me fascine ☞ I would like to be a steward because I find travelling fascinating
  • J’aimerais être un créateur/créatrice de mode car la mode, c’est ma passion ☞ I would like to be a fashion designer because fashion is my passion
  • J’aimerais être infirmier/infirmière car je veux être utile aux autres ☞ I would like to be a nurse because I want to be useful to others
  • J’aimerais être informaticien/informaticienne car je suis féru/e d’informatique ☞ I would like to be an IT specialist because I am fond of IT
  • J’aimerais être directeur/directrice d’école car j’aime les enfants et je n’ai pas peur des responsabilités ☞ I would like to be a headteacher because I like children and responsibilities don’t scare me.
  • Je veux être un médecin car je veux soigner les gens ☞ I would like to be a doctor because I want to treat people

Learn the French profession vocabulary in Quizlet ➣ Jobs in French

Here is the vocabulary in French that you can learn in the Quizlet app.

Quizlet logo
Jobs in French vocabulary in Quizlet

Check out your understanding and do the French online exercise ➣ Jobs in French

This is a memory game. Learn the vocabulary about jobs in French then test your knowledge with this interactive online exercice in French ✌

The conditional in French ❙ Le conditionnel en français

Please note that when you say ‘Je voudrais être …’ you are using the conditional in French of the verb to want ‘vouloir’, to make up the conditional, you need to use the stem for the conditional + the following endings :

Je, tu ☞ ais
il/elle/on ☞ ait
nous ☞ ions
vous ☞ iez
ils/elles ☞ aient

stem ☞ aimer
to loveapprendre
stem ☞ apprendr
to learnvouloir
stem ☞ voudr
to want
j’aimeraisI’d lovej’apprendraisI’d learnje voudraisI’d want
tu aimeraisyou’d lovetu apprendraisyou’d learntu voudraisyou’d want
il/elle aimeraithe/she’d loveil apprendraithe/she’d learnil voudraithe’d want
nous aimerionswe’d lovenous apprendrionswe’d learnnous voudrionswe’d want
vous aimeriezyou’d love (polite)vous apprendriezyou’d learnvous voudriezyou’d want
ils/elles aimeraientthey’s loveils apprendraientthey’d learnils voudraientthey’d want
Conditional in French ☞ Le conditionnel en français

Quel métier aimerais-tu faire ❙ which job would you like to do ❙ French GCSE video

Do you need more help with your French GCSE exam, here is one of a collection to learn how to answer typical French GCSE questions in French. In this a video, you will learn how to talk about jobs in French and why do you choose one in particular ✔

➢ Would you like to know how to conjugate the top 24 verbs in the conditional in French ? ☞ check out my free top 24 verbs conjugation table here

➢ Do you need more help with your French GCSE speaking exam ? ☞ Download your free GCSE French speaking booklet here

French GCSE course online
French GCSE online course

➢ Do you want to try a free online French GCSE course ? ☞ Try the demo version here

French GCSE videos
French GCSE videos

➢ Do you want to watch more videos like this to help you learn French for your French GCSE exam ? ☞ Check out the French GCSE Videos here

French GCSE idioms
French GCSE idioms

➢ Do you want to learn new French idioms and know how to use it in your French GCSE speaking or writing exam ? ☞ Check out the French GCSE idioms here

French GCSE podcasts
French GCSE podcasts

➢ Do you want to join my French podcast and learn French on the move ? ☞ Check out my French podcast here

➢ Do you want to visit my youtube channel ? ☞ Check out Learn French with Lara Youtube channel here

➢ Go and check out my Facebook page  ► Learn French with Lara facebook page

More about Lara

Lara is a French and English teacher with over 20 year experience in languages. She gives private lessons of French and English in Les Sables d’Olonne, France where she lives and in videoconferencing via zoom. Her style is relaxed and her sense of humor is legendary. « I can help you take your French further and realize your full potential » 

To book a French class with Lara ► Simply contact me here

Would you like to visit my French website to help the French learn English ☞

Happy learning ! 

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