Ultra popular French expression N°27 : ça marche

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Here is a popular and useful French expression which will get you walking : ça marche ! 👌

ça marche

ça marche Meaning in English

ça marche

ça marche is a very popular French expression but what is “ça marche” ?

As depicted on the picture above, “ça marche” is in fact what we call an interjection. It literally means “it walks”

It is actually used as an expression of agreement and support. It is widely used in everyday language👌

ça marche is informal, and best suited for informal situations. It can also be used as a question : ça marche ?

Please note that ‘ça marche’ can also simply means ‘it works’ if you talk about something mechanical, for example: “Est-ce que la machine à laver marche? Oui, ça marche” Does the washing machine work? Yes it does.

ça marche Origin

René Fallet

This expression was used by Bernet et Rézeau, in the novel of René Fallet from 1947. He is a French writer and scriptwriter.

«J’accepte. Combien ? – Trois mille par mois. – Ça marche.»

Bernet et Rézeau – René Fallet

ça marche Translation in English

A suitable translation of ‘ça marche’ in English would be ;

‘Ok’ ‘fine’!

ça marche

ça marche French example

« OK ça marche! Je m’en occupe dès que possible »

All right. I’ll take care of this as soon as possible

Un croissant et un chocolat chaud, svp. – ça marche.

A croissant and hot chocolate please – ok
Tu m'attends 5 minutes? ça marche !
Can you wait for me for 5 minutes ? yes, no problem !

ça marche alternatives in French

There is of course the ever popular ….OK, d’accord !


As well as ‘entendu’ or ‘pas de problème‘, but more surprising

ça roule !

It rolls !
ça roule ma poule

It rolls my hen ! This is because we like the fact that ‘poule’ and ‘roule’ rhyme and it is quite cool to say. Hen is also a nick name for a girl too.

ça marche Illustration in music

Here is a song by the very popular French rapper: ‘Maitre Gimms’ which uses this expression.

ça marche Maître Gimms

Je bosse, toi tu n’es pas d’taille
Guette un peu le son, vas-y tweet
Si t’as peur du vide : dégage boy
Laisse-nous faire la ‘sique

[Maître Gims]
Yeah, dis-moi si y’a les condés
J’sais plus sur qui compter
Marre de vagabonder
Ah, faya burn dem
Meugiwara’, Meugiwara’
Meugiwara’, Meugiwara’
Meugiwara’, Meugiwara’

[Maître Gims & Dadju]
Si ça marche pour toi
T’auras qu’à dire : “Bah, c’est la vie”
Ça marche pour toi

I work, you are not tall
Watch the sound for a bit, go tweet
If you’re afraid of heights: get out boy
Let us do the sique

[Master Gims]
Yeah, tell me if there are the cops
I don’t know who to count on anymore
Tired of wandering
Ah, faya burns dem
Meugiwara ‘, Meugiwara’
Meugiwara ‘, Meugiwara’
Meugiwara ‘, Meugiwara’

[Master Gims & Dadju]
If it works for you
You just have to say: “Bah, that’s life”
It works for you

Voilà, this was today’s French idiom in English, I hope you liked it. Click here to find out about the challenge of 50 French idioms in English

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Do you want to visit my French website, here it is: Apprendrelanglaisrapidement.fr

And I’ll see you next time for more French idioms in English ! 

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Machiko et Laurent
3 years ago

Toujours aussi intéressant et bien expliqué 🙂 merci beaucoup pour cet article ÇA MARCHE 😉
Un vrai plaisir de revoir de l’anglais avec une super prof

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